Friday, July 25, 2008

Social Marketing Blogroll

The Friday Traffic Report has put up a list of the top 142 blogs that help with social network marketing. If you want to learn about how to do this for your film or project, here is a resource to get ideas and advice.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Promoting Your Film - Forget MySpace and Facebook

Lots of indie filmmakers, not to mention the big studios, are trying to figure out how to get an audience for their work. Many people went the Myspace/Facebook route that worked so well for the music business. But music and film are two different beasts, and while music can be used to fill your regular life with a soundtrack that adds to the richness of your experience, movies ask you to leave your life and enter someone else's for a while. A musician rides shotgun for your mood. A filmmaker takes over and manipulates your mood.

Nevertheless, a lot of press has been given lately to the idea that you have to go 100% web 2.0 where a page on one of these sights is an ablsolute must-have. The mantra was picked up by many of the most dedicated women promoting their films I know. Me, I couldn't see the point to MySpace or Facebook even if I had a million so-called friends. After you're a celebrity, okay maybe. But as a business model, I couldn't see how it would do me, my films or my festival any material good, so I avoided it and felt guilty.

So imagine my relief when I went to BlogHer 08 in San Francisco last weekend and heard one after another woman with a successful web presence (successful meaning money-making) dismiss these tools that I had been feeling guilty about not using. Setting up and maintaining these social networking pages takes a lot of time and does nothing to build an audience. It can be used to keep an audience loyal, but many of the women I know are looking to build their numbers. These sites are not the place to do that.

Only one tool that I did not understand turned out to be a winner, and that was Twitter. I got some good advice and workable examples of how to use it effectively in conjunction with blogging. Not only that, it turns out to be a streamlined and often fun connector of people with like passions. I see how it would work to build a following. But more on that another time. For now, I'm just happy to let go of the guilt.

Breast Films

Yes, breasts. When I saw "Breast Fest Film Festival" in my bulk folder, I almost didn't open it thinking it was a disguised porn site. Turns out, Rethink Breast Cancer is having a film competition.

Breast Fest is now accepting video submissions for a short film competition. The winning films will be screened at the Festival, taking place on November 21 & 22, 2008 in Toronto.

We are looking for films of all genres that shed light on breast health and the issues surrounding breast cancer in significant and interesting ways. Produce a PSA, short film, or animation - the shorter the better - 10 minutes max!

Entry Deadline: August 24, 2008

For details go to

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I've been Twittering (actually I think they call it "tweeting" but I refuse). The way I understand it, Twitter, and similar sites like FriendFeed, are a perfect complement to blogging. They allow quick interaction among users who are all passionate about the same subject. Links, announcements, and just plain human contact all can be bundled there quite effectively.

I'm still not comfortable with the form, but am going to have a bunch of broads over to learn how to use it, so that we can make a whole community of funny broads there. You can follow me at BroadHumor.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Statistics on women in positions to influence the public

At BlogHer '08, talk about the lack of female voices in the political arena reminds me that our difficulties getting our films to be included in the entertainment industry are part of a larger social issue.

The following liveblog of the political blog panel, Top-Notch Political Commentary, lays out the numbers.

Statistics on public debate:
85% are mostly privileged (Harvard and Yale graduate) white male debates. 85% of Hollywood producers and radio producers are men. Only 2 of the 19 major syndicated radio talk show hosts are women. 84% Congress is male.

1 out of 20 of top political blogs are written by women. Great to have our voices out there, but even better to have our voices out there in a place where it can be heard. Half of our nation's best brains are missing in national conversation.

Monday, June 16, 2008

2008 Festival Awards


Best Feature

Creating Karma by Jill Wisoff

Best Short

Las Perdidas by Laura Somers and Lauren Costa

Best No-Budget Short

You're Too by Meg Weidner

Best Documentary

Pursepectives by Wendy Cohen

Audience Award

The Pussycats by Jill Broadfoot

Audience Award Honorable Mentions

Oh, Sammy! by Susan Deming

Red Flag by Victoria Cordova


Short Screenplay

Citizen Rose by Anne Kruse

Character Comedy

The Happy Dance by Pamela Rodeheaver and Lisa Katz

Ensemble Comedy

Tongue Tide by Gwen Baer and Linda Yandell

Romantic Comedy  (co-winners)

Izzy and Allie by Suzanne Studer Iselt

Pomona Mona by Constance Brenner


What Do You Thinx of Madeline Minx? by Noemi Zeigler


Suspicious Minds - Pilot by Roxanne Marciniak


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Babes at Sea

The broads were invited for a quick turn in the bay by Odyssey Yacht Charters and we had a chance to plan for the future of Broad Humor and all the broads while sipping mimosas and sunning on deck.

The day was sweet.  The company was fun.  The mood was pure 'can do.'  

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Submissions Are Closed

To all the broads and the broad-minded:

Submissions have closed for the Broad Humor Film Festival, and while a few entries that have gotten mis-routed or sent from other countries may yet trickle in, the first stage of this first year is now complete.  We met and surpassed our goal of 100 submissions and we’re now planning how best to showcase and support the filmmakers and screenwriters.  By the end of this week, I personally will have reviewed every entry. Then the entries go to the other members of the team for viewing or reading.  And we will make our selections in a couple of weeks. 

I must stay I am stunned by the energy that everyone has put into telling stories for the purpose of laughter.  Even those of you who did not make or write comedies but sent your films or scripts anyway must be commended on the product.  The number of people who wish to write a screenplay or make a movie are legion;  the ones who actually do it are rare and in my opinion should be honored for that very fact.  So I say congratulations to you all.

Sadly, we cannot show all the films nor honor all the screenplays. Selection is not objective, cannot ever be completely fair, and will not do justice to the work you have done.  As we begin selecting films and screenplays this weekend, there will be horse-trading among us. One person’s favorite might lose out in favor of three broads’ general approval.  I can’t predict.

What I can do is talk to you.  So, after the festival ( not before - I will not have the time), if you want to email me and set up a time, we can talk about your work if you want.  I will be happy to tell you both what I liked about the film or screenplay and where I got confused or just found myself out of the story.  I will not tell you how to fix it, or how to get a production deal, or what to do next.  I do not do coverage.  I do talk about stories and how they work for me and what I saw of value.  We all need to keep focused on what we do best and fan those flames.  If you want, I will do that with you about your work. 

Three or four of our sponsors have announcements they would like to send out to you. We are not selling your names, but would like to pass them along to a few resources that might be of use to you.  In addition, we have received requests from companies looking for content.  If you do not want to receive these emails,  reply to and put “remove from mailing list” in the subject line. 

We will do our best to keep you all informed as we move forward.

Susan di Rende

Executive Director

Monday, March 10, 2008

Lovely Lucca

Donna Discover, a women's travel event in Lucca, invited Broad Humor to show some shorts and teach a workshop.  Filmmaker Donna Wheeler joined festival director Susan di Rende for three days of fun, film and foodfoodfood.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Going to Lucca

We've been invited back to Italy - Lucca this time - to exhibit shorts from the festival at the 4th annual Women Traveller's Weekend. All the films exhibited will have to be subtitled in Italian, so we're planning on showing a combination of the films that screened last year in Lucarno and a few new ones. Stay tuned for more info.