To all the broads and the broad-minded:
Submissions have closed for the Broad Humor Film Festival, and while a few entries that have gotten mis-routed or sent from other countries may yet trickle in, the first stage of this first year is now complete. We met and surpassed our goal of 100 submissions and we’re now planning how best to showcase and support the filmmakers and screenwriters. By the end of this week, I personally will have reviewed every entry. Then the entries go to the other members of the team for viewing or reading. And we will make our selections in a couple of weeks.
I must stay I am stunned by the energy that everyone has put into telling stories for the purpose of laughter. Even those of you who did not make or write comedies but sent your films or scripts anyway must be commended on the product. The number of people who wish to write a screenplay or make a movie are legion; the ones who actually do it are rare and in my opinion should be honored for that very fact. So I say congratulations to you all.
Sadly, we cannot show all the films nor honor all the screenplays. Selection is not objective, cannot ever be completely fair, and will not do justice to the work you have done. As we begin selecting films and screenplays this weekend, there will be horse-trading among us. One person’s favorite might lose out in favor of three broads’ general approval. I can’t predict.
What I can do is talk to you. So, after the festival ( not before - I will not have the time), if you want to email me and set up a time, we can talk about your work if you want. I will be happy to tell you both what I liked about the film or screenplay and where I got confused or just found myself out of the story. I will not tell you how to fix it, or how to get a production deal, or what to do next. I do not do coverage. I do talk about stories and how they work for me and what I saw of value. We all need to keep focused on what we do best and fan those flames. If you want, I will do that with you about your work.
Three or four of our sponsors have announcements they would like to send out to you. We are not selling your names, but would like to pass them along to a few resources that might be of use to you. In addition, we have received requests from companies looking for content. If you do not want to receive these emails, reply to and put “remove from mailing list” in the subject line.
We will do our best to keep you all informed as we move forward.
Susan di Rende
Executive Director