Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Don't Just Blame the Men

While women are 52% of the population, they average 25% of the creatives on prime time television.  Yes, that number means a woman has only half the chance of a man of equal ability.  But the numbers as a lump are also deceiving.  Women in power average 20, 24, and 36% as creators, but only 22, 16, 13, and 2% (!!) as hired creatives.  Check the numbers below.  Why aren't the women execs giving women directors, writers, editors and dp's the same odds they have?  Not a pretty picture. Pass these numbers along.

-from "BOXED IN:  Women On Screen and Behind the Scenes in the 2004-05 Prime-time Season" by

Dr. Martha M. Lauzen of San Diego State University

Women comprised 24% of creators.  Seventy five percent (75%) of the programs considered had no women creators.

Women accounted for 20% of executive producers.  Thirty six percent (36%) of the programs considered had no women executive producers.

Women comprised 36% of producers.  Only 8% of the programs considered had no women producers.


Women accounted for 13% of directors.  Eighty nine percent (89%) of the programs considered had no women directors.

Women comprised 22% of writers.  Seventy eight percent (78%) of the programs considered had no women writers.

Women accounted for 16% of editors.  Seventy five percent (75%) of the programs considered had no women editors.

Women comprised 2% of directors of photography.  Ninety eight percent (98%) of the programs considered had no women directors of photography.

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